Think Like a Psychologist
Understand personality traits, character, emotions, and values through pure observation or simple questions.
Analyzing people in a flash - it’s not easy, and it’s not simple. But that’s because you don’t know the tools inside this book.
People give us more information than they realize. Learn to decipher all of it to further your goals.
Think Like a Psychologist is about working backwards from the person in front of you. You will learn to draw conclusions about people’s emotions, behavior, past experiences, and overall personality and temperament based on small yet important pieces of information. From this analysis, you will gain enormous insight into the people around you, new and old. You may not be able to read people’s minds, but armed with knowledge about behavioral tendencies, developmental psychology, motivation and personality theories, and nature versus nurture, you will always possess deeper comprehension that others may not even have about themselves. And of course, there is an element of lie detection.
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